By Roy Mathur, on 2014-01-01, at 00:01:23--00:13:25 GMT, for Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show, Listen
And yet another podcast. Huzzah!
And well done for surviving the gastronomic marathon that is Christmas and New Year!
Finish ALL writing projects, even if it kills me!
Get a really good microphone setup, beause I'd rather podcasting than blogging so much!
Series 3 starts today BBC1 2100.
Series 2 recap: Sherlock jumped off building after confrontation with Moriarty. Thought dead by everyone, but just in hiding.
More intriguing is whether Moriarty really is dead after his apparent suicide. If Gatiss and Moffat stick to the books, then this is the last we will see of Moriarty. Late breaking news (i.e. me Googling): Andrew Scott, the actor who plays Moriarty, says he won't be back. Unfortunate, because seeing the character portrayed as a right and proper nutter was so refreshing.
Iron Maiden toured where their music most pirated. Take a leaf Metallica! BUT, BUT, BUT this had nothing to do with MusicMetric as reported by The Guardian recently (doh!). Also, whether Iron Maiden used torrent stats to decide where to tour is completely unverified.
The funny thing is that I've been talking about using torrents for media stats and as a legitimate distribution system for the last two years. Looks like it might be happening.
You should also check out The Survey Bay, which is a joint effort to publish stats by both TPB and Torrent Freak
Have a brilliant year and remember to change the copyright notices in your blog/webpages etc., like I did a few days ago.
Do as I say, not as I do and KEEP WRITING!