By Roy Mathur, on 2023-06-18, at 23:20:33--23:58:58 BST, for Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show, Listen
I'm getting bugger all listeners for my Doctor Who revisits according to Apple and that has got me down. It's as if people like posting pictures on social media and saying that the old show was the bees knees, but it's just all blah blah blah lip.
I'm near enough the end of the classic Doctor Who series that I'll continue, but it is dispiriting. Or maybe it's just my delivery of the stuff, after all some anonymous coward gave me a one star rating? It's something I've thought of, but I always get people listening to my non-Who shows, so...?
There are about 300 plays for each upload, and that is just one platform. That must mean a fair number more listen on all other platforms, so it's not as if I'm doing badly compared to most podcasts. I just wish more people would participate in the show with correspondence, otherwise this podcast is a message in the bottle.
Strong Primer vibes in this low buidget and clever (apart from one item) 2020 sci-fi. In it a neuroscientist attempts to complete his father's work of not only recording and replaying memories, but also manipulating the consciousness. Of course, it all goes wrong and he ends up splitting his personally into separate aspects of his psyche. Some work with him, others against him as he attempts to reintegrate his mind.
My problem with this is why is the psychotic split the evil one? Psychosis doesn't make you evil, just ill. This is another tired old cliche stigmatising mental illness, in an otherwise interesting movie.
I watched the eagerly anticipated second season premier. The security chief drinks Klingons under the table in a scene cloned directly from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Doctor M'Benga and Nurse Chapel get juiced and kick Klingon arse, and there's a big blood wine booze up at the end. It was, as Strange New Worlds invariably is, good, but nothing extraordinary in terms of story.
Instead we got this introduction to the Klingons of this universe. While the skull ridges were slightly less pronounced than TNG, they didn't look as alien as those of Discovery.
I found it a very generic episode.
I am, of course pleased to see the cast again, especially Captain Pike or as I call him, Captain Hair (Anson Mount), and the very cinematic effects are spectacular. This isn't a show to watch in anything less than 1080p.
I have already reviewed this, but heard that it had been cancelled. That's a pity as I really enjoyed this horror series about teens at a hospice.
While such a premise might sound unappealing, if you are short on geek material, this loose 2022 adaptation by Mike Flannagan of cult author Christopher Pike's book is worth a look.
2018 biopic, starring Colin Firth, based on Donald Crowhurst's participation in the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race.
Crowhurst, a middle-aged inventor and amateur sailor based in Somerset, decided to take part in the arduous solo circumnavigation race as a publicity stunt for his ailing business ventures. Using sponsorship money, he had built a trimaran, Teignmouth Electron. Launching from Teignmouth on the 31st October 1968, he was beset by problems, but instead of returning home or continuing with the race, he allegedly may have sailed around the south Atlantic broadcasting false coordinates until abruptly going radio silent on the 29th June 1969. The deserted Electron was found adrift shortly thereafter.
When I left Racal I was given the book The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst by Nicholas Tomalin and Ron Hall (1970) by a colleague as a ironic slur/warning about my own future plans for adventure. The thing is, as a bit of a dreamer myself, I read it and found myself not chastised, discouraged, nor mocking Crowhurst, but sympathising with him. He may have ultimately failed, but by god, he had the balls to actually try, which is more than can be said for most people.
As to the film, Colin Firth brings an empathic humanity to Crowhurst, though I felt the period piece a little stale.
A few funny moments in new ITV sitcom about dysfunctional neighbours finding an uneasy solace with each other.
I watched it because I find Katherine Parker's (Jen from The IT Crowd) comedic acting compelling.
In 489 I told you about my obssession with motorcycling. Since then I passed my CBT, though I barely scraped through according to the instructor.
As a bicycle rider my entire life, I found balance and banking around corners surprisingly okay, but I also found my first experience of riding a motorcycle not quite rosy. The bikes were noisy, uncomfortable, the need for constant clutch control wore my poor left hand out, and the clothing was hot and sweaty.
This is a lot like joining the local canoe club and immediately falling in the lake on my very first paddle; something I have never done in a boat before. My second canoe outing wasn't much better and left me sick for a few days from joint pain and a fever.
A physio (489) told me I need to get more exercise. Weeks of riding, walking, and hacking at the garden has left aerobically fitter, but I still feel like crap from aches and pains. Is this arthritis?
The diabetic nurse also told me to change my diet, so there's a changed in my diet also leaving me feeling awful.
At least delusions of captaining or leather-clad bikerdom have left me very little out of pocket, as I haven't splurged on a canoe or a motorcycle yet, but I can't help feeling disappointed by the experiences. I also gave up martial arts a number of years ago when my back decided to lock up. Isn't ageing simply spiffing? You know, Jon Pertwee was a biker his entire life; riding the wall of death in a circus at 16! Whereas I continue to excel squishy wizardry.
I tried to get back into a social club I was once a member of on Facebook, only to find I'd been purged due to inactivity as I rarely log into Facebook. I think the club's gawn kaput since Covid.
While on Facebook, I was complimented by a woman who had seen my photos. I replied that I was flattered and thanked her. What a lovely a morale booster!
Regarding my legendary never ending quest for a new dwelling, I viewed a property in a very urban area recently.
However, I realise now that I cannot take living in that level of population density or pollution any longer.
Also, I'd like a place where I could make a better studio. At the moment I have the space, but sound insulation is rubbish. One day.