By Roy Mathur, on 2023-10-21, at 23:05:30-23:26:20 GMT, for Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show
Happy Halloween Eve Eve.
Corossol, chocolate covered coffee beans, caffeinated beverages, and Garibaldis are the latest nibbled provided by Fygor the butler and I've just finished watching episode four of Loki. So before my Halloween specials start tomorrow, let's catch-up.
In 504, I said Loki, "going wzzzargh!" in episode one of season two portended great events. That excitement did not materialise in episode two, which was so much talk that I fell asleep. The action begins to ramp up again in three and four as Loki and the TVA are assisted by Victor Timely, a variant of Kang from the 19th century. On the whole four is good, but so convoluted I thought my head would explode.
Please, Loki makers, even out the pace and generally give us more stabby stabby fazoom!
I tried Thunderbird Supernova and hated the interface. Using this guide, I permanently reverted back to 102.15.0.
Let me know if you have a solution as to why Thunderbird (Supernova too) sends me three notifications for each Google Calendar Event.
Yesterday, when I met a friend for lunch in London, there was a massive demonstration of solidarity with the plight of the people of Gaza.
While the demonstration centred at Trafalgar Square was peaceful, the after-effects of people leaving the protest and people arriving for the evening, plus the earlier road closures meant that Central London and the West End was absolutely jam-packed. There was so little room that you had to walk in the road. Adding to my annoyance was a police helicopter thrumming and whining incessantly overhead.
I managed to walk about 13km and have for the first time exceeded Google Fit's weekly heart points recommendation, at the cost of utterly clapping me out. Stick that up your App-hole, Couch to 5k'ers.
The Halloween specials begin tomorrow, so if you enjoy vintage British Horror, you might appreciate my new revisit series that I hope to complete before the end of the year. Admittedly, I said exactly the same thing about Doctor Who back in 2014.